Ferrites are made to different component formulas ( typically known as mix's ), to provide desired characteristics. There is no magic "one type fits all". Below is a table that provides a guide to some of the common mixes used in Ham Radio, and the use / frequency range over which they are most applicable. The 'mix' numbers are "Fair-Rite" brand - other manufacturers may use identical mix numbers but the product characteristics may differ.
Mix #
EMI Suppression
1-300 MHz
1:1 only, < 250 MHz
Ideal for antenna feedline chokes at lower HF Ham bands. OK for current baluns - not suitable for voltage baluns other than 1:1.
25-300 MHz
3-60 MHz
Generally more economic that mix 31, but suited to higher HF Ham bands when used as a common mode choke.
200-2000 MHz
1-300 MHz
Lower loss therefore useful for voltage transformers where power is transferred via magnetic flux
0.1-10 MHz
< 10 MHz
Low frequency EMI suppression - good choice for SMPS noise reduction.
0.15-10 MHz
0.1-10 MHz
Good choking impedance at low frequencies - good choice for SMPS noise reduction.